When Written: June 2012
With the advent of the internet the idea of ‘living’ in a virtual world became a possibility. Now it seems to be here, with the dominance of social media.
The popular people and companies on the social media are often called for their views by conventional media and even by our politicians. The perceived power that comes from having thousands if not millions of twitter followers is heady stuff for people in the public eye.
But what if the bulk of these followers were simply bought and have no interest in your outpourings? You can buy several thousand followers for just a few dollars and even retweets can be purchased. Twitter is not unique, Facebook likes and Youtube views can all be bought very cheaply.
So for a minimal budget, you can build your social presence very quickly. Does this matter? Well yes it does because the ‘real world’ seems to assign a lot of weight to these metrics.
Perhaps it is time we re-evaluated the power of these particular numbers?
Article by: Mark Newton
Published in: Mark Newton