When Written: Dec 2009
I guess no computing article these days should be without a look at cloud computing. I like many others are experimenting with putting applications out on the cloud where it is claimed to be held in a virtual ether, replicated across multiple servers in a fully resilient fashion so uptimes of 100% or near can be guaranteed. Or that was what I thought was the major benefit of Cloud computing so it was a surprise to receive and email the other day which said:
“You are receiving this mail because you have an application or storage account in Windows Azure in the ‘USA – Northwest’ region. Windows Azure production applications and storage will no longer be supported in the ‘USA-Northwest’ region. We will be deleting all Windows Azure applications and storage accounts in the ‘USA – Northwest’ region ”
So it seems that a Microsoft Azure Cloud application is stored in a regional data centres and not in the worldwide cloud. One starts to wonder what the big fuss is all about, with the Microsoft ‘Cloud’ being more like a series of islands it seems.By:
Article by: Mark Newton
Published in: Mark Newton