When Written: April 2008
If like me you are currently doing a lot of AJAX development and like to try ideas out then you are probably using the search engines to get help on your code, but with the holiday season coming up having some light reading could be in order for those sleepless nights on holiday as you think about the next big Web 2 application you are planning to write.
Two books from O’Reilly I came across recently fill the order; ‘AJAX – the definitive guide’ (£30.99 isbn 0-596-52838-8 )is full of real world code and has plenty of ideas to get you thinking.
The second book is called ‘Adding AJAX’ ( £24.99 isbn 05-596-52936-8 )and explains in perhaps a slightly clearer way what AJAX is all about, with some very good sections on the basics and the various libraries of code available out there. The book then goes on to show several examples with code for you to try. Both books are well worth a read and might stop you from getting too sunburnt!
Article by: Mark Newton
Published in: Mark Newton