I have been writing IT related articles for the UK magazines, mainly PcPro, for many years. Finally after some time I have managed to put my articles plus extra content into a Blog!
Most of the articles I write are based on my experience of using these technologies and the code has been written by me. I try always to write from a personal experience of the technology rather than from press releases or presentations which in my experience rarely tell the full story. I hope you find these articles interesting.
The plan is to regularly add to this Blog with my experiences in the real world as a developer and owner of a hosting company, plus any other IT related stuff that catches my eye.
These articles, reviews and thoughts are published here as originally I wrote them, and so they might differ from the edited article that was finally published in a particular magazine or on a web site, also my views may well have changed on particular technology or product, but it can make fun reading about the stuff we were getting excited about, that is no longer with us.
Mark Newton
Freelance Writer
Contributing Editor RWC PcPro
Contributor CloudPro