When Written: 27-October-2022
Arggggggg! I have spent days on and off trying to fix this problem. On my PC ( the host ) running Windows 11 I have VMWare Workstation and in this I have built a Windows 2019 server, a setup I have done many times before. The VMWare network is set as bridge and the server can see the internet and all the machines and shares on the network except for the shares on the host.
So going back to first pricipals I tried pinging from the host to the VM machine and the other way around, neither worked.
After switching firewalls off and trying many otherthings, I noticed that on the host there had been added a DNE LightWeight Filter, this is used by Citrix VPN ( not that I knowingly use this ), this delightful addition will also kill RDP. So the solution is to disable it on the host machine.
In Control Panel goto to Network and sharing center
Select the adapter that connects to the Internet
Click properties button from the Connection Status Window
Uncheck DNE LightWeight Filter in the Adapter’s properties
Click OK and wait for the adapter to reset itself.
Article by: Mark Newton
Published in: Mark Newton