When Written: Oct 2010

Ray Ozzie, jumping the sinking ship?
The internet has been full of articles on the use and viability of ‘Cloud services’ , some suggest that putting everything in the ‘Cloud’ is the answer to all our problems, whilst others, myself included, are doubtful about the real benefits of this technology for a lot of what we do.
One of the greatest supporters of Cloud computing is Ray Ozzie who is Microsoft’s chief software architect, a position held previously by Bill Gates. So it was a great surprise to learn that Ray has stepped down from this post. You could hardly claim that the job was finished, so why the step down? In his leaving memo he obviously still believes that moving services into the Cloud is the way to go but fears that Microsoft could be left behind with its reliance on the PC platform, and that companies like Google have a better chance of success? ‘Interesting times’ indeed!
Article by: Mark Newton
Published in: Mark Newton