When Written: April 2010
It’s been a busy time what with watching Mix10, wading through the deluge of emails announcing new releases, fighting bugs in a .NET web application and playing Farmville there has hardly been time to enjoy the spring weather. I spent some considerable time watching the live streaming videos and following the Twitter feed from MIX10 in Vegas this year.
It would have been great to have been there, but nowadays Microsoft UK rarely pay your expenses to such ‘jollies’ and whilst the chance to meet up and chat to various people is always welcome, the experience that Microsoft with Channel 9 provides with their live streaming from such events puts many other company’s web offerings at such events to shame (http://live.visitmix.com/videos ).

MIX – always worth a watch to see what this lot have been up to
If you haven’t tried it before, I recommend that you do, particularly as now with the extra dimension of a Twitter feed you can take part in the comments from the others watching as well as from the people who are there. All the relevant Tweets had the key #MIX10 added by their authors and so you could easily sort by this key and thus remove the non-relevant tweets from the people you follow as well as getting tweets from people that you don’t normally follow. This gave a real feeling of almost being there. Why Microsoft haven’t done this in the past using MSN or something similar I don’t know, perhaps they have, but I am not aware of it.
Article by: Mark Newton
Published in: Mark Newton