When Written: April 2011

Underwater Horse trials – at last something to watch at the Olympics!
By now those of you who want to will have applied for your tickets for the 2012 Olympics and no doubt used the web site to do so. I am very pleased to see that not much money has been spent on developing this site so as to leave more funds for the facilities for the athletes. I say this because that must be the reason for such a poor user experience. The main page is the sort of thing that might be cobbled together by someone straight out of school, as no interaction based on user selection is offered. I for example selected ‘Opening Ceremony’ and was still offered a choice of venues and dates! Now I’m not a great sports fan but I am sure that there is only one Opening Ceremony. I also appeared to have the option to book tickets for Equestrian Dressage at the Aquatics Centre. Now that, I would pay to watch!
If you want to try out your own browser test, check out http://ietestdrive.com there are all sorts of examples there of test to show browser differences ( written by Microsoft of course! ).
Article by: Mark Newton
Published in: Mark Newton