When Written: Feb 2010

SEO Toolkit analysis your web site like a search engine would and reports any issues it finds
All these extensions are worth taking a look at http://www.iis.net/expand but one that is not really an IIS extension but a very useful tool nonetheless and that is the ‘Search Engine Optimization Toolkit’ (http://www.iis.net/expand/SEOToolkit) .
This free tool will trawl over a web site in a similar way to a search engine spider and report back to you any errors it might find in your HTML that might lower the ranking of a particular page. I tried in on one new site of ours and it reported that the <h1> was used in more than one place on the page and as search engines use the <h1> tag for a description of the page then the ranking may be affected.
An easy mistake to make and easily cured. Whilst such errors may not make a big difference to your ranking, it certainly can’t hurt to fix any obvious ones like this. Tools like this SEO Tookit also help to make sure your web site is as W3C compliant as possible as do things like code hinting and intellisense whilst coding.
Article by: Mark Newton
Published in: Mark Newton