When Written: January 2016
When I received my new Microsoft 950 windows 10 phone it restore all my settings and apps and everything from my previous Windows 8.1 phone which got dropped on Christmas day! Well when I say everything, that is not quite correct. To my HUGE disappointment all the excellent HERE apps from Nokia would not install. These apps are the mapping and driving apps that I often use. They reported that they are not compatible with this device and as Microsoft were shipping there own version of mapping software with the OS I though that was that.
Today my Twitter feed fed me a link http://www.windowscentral.com/here-maps-drive-windows-10-mobile From Daniel Rubino on how to fix this. Apparently there is a version of these apps that does work on Widows 10 it is just that it is called the same as the one that doesn’t and Windows Store serves you the incorrect one !
Article by: Mark Newton
Published in: Mark Newton